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Jim Masterson

I have stared at Jamie's recipe for Amer Boudreau and was on the verge of making it when I read somewhere (Darcy O'Neil's Art of Drink site I think) that Amaro Ciociaro was a very good substitute for Amer Picon. And it still clocks in at 60 proof.

I am a pretty big amari fan and this was a perfect excuse to pick up one I hadn't had and it is great. Makes a crazy good Picon Punch, makes a nice Negroni variant, and is nice neat or on ice as well.

Jim (Sunny&Rummy)


We use Gifford's Bigallet China China liqueur as a substitute at work. And we have both Amer Picon and Torani Amer at home. The Bigalette has a good amount of proof to it and has a great dark, caramel, orange peel flavor.

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About the Professor

David J. Montgomery (aka Professor Cocktail) is a writer and critic specializing in books, publishing, spirits, and cocktails. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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