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Deborah Graff

I must admit I like vodka martinis more than gin, but that's the price I pay for being a super taster. I would try the vesper though, out of curiosity.

Professor Cocktail

There's nothing wrong with drinking a "Vodka Martini" -- it's a perfectly acceptable drink. Just call it by its proper name: a Kangaroo!


Lillet doesn't have the quinine level of Kina Lillet, but it still has quinine. Cocchi is better tasting, cheaper, and more complex but it is still not all that much more bitter.

Regardless, the Vesper always comes across as a big goblet of booze to me, and a 1/2 oz of Lillet vs. Kina Lillet doesn't seem to make much difference. I still haven't figured out why there is 1 oz of vodka here (other than movie symbolism about a double agent) since you could just use a touch more subtle gin to the same effect.

Professor Cocktail

That's a great point about the "double agent" angle. That hadn't occurred to me.

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About the Professor

David J. Montgomery (aka Professor Cocktail) is a writer and critic specializing in books, publishing, spirits, and cocktails. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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