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Capn Jimbo's Rum Project

At The Rum Project we have taken on goal of providing a completely independent entry to rum and its appreciation. Sadly, and unlike the world of noble wines and single malt whisky, rogue rum pulls hind teat and is really not well served.

In this limited web world, there is an unfair and egoistic tendency to lump all lower priced rums as "mixers", even those that do not deserve this label.

V/X is one of them and is really a very nice younger rum more than worthy of sipping, yet inexpensive enough to also use as a very good mixer.

Compared to Appleton's real mixer - the "Gold" - the V/X is really a fine young sipping rum. No less than Dave Broom (and the Project for that matter) rates V/X a four star rum and, trust me, that is high, high praise.

Unfortunately the emphasis on extreme age (and price) is marketing driven. The actual sweet spot for rum is perhaps 6 to 10 years, with a few very fine younger sipping rums like V/X quite drinkable neat, yet inexpensive enough to also be used as a mixer.

In sum, V/X is really a mixable sipper rather than the reverse.

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They say that in food, you get what you pay for. Whether or not a B+ is good enough for $18 is up to you.

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The alcohol is a little too hot for that. For drinking neat, you'd be better off with one of the more expensive Appleton rums, like the Extra (12 Year Old). It does, however, mix beautifully.

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About the Professor

David J. Montgomery (aka Professor Cocktail) is a writer and critic specializing in books, publishing, spirits, and cocktails. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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